Zeev Jabotinsky - translation to English
Online Dictionary

Zeev Jabotinsky - translation to English

Jabotinski; Vladimir Jabotinsky; Vladimir Evgenevich Jabotinsky; Vladimir Zhabotinsky; Zeev Zhabotinsky; Ze'ev Zhabotinsky; Zeev Zhabotinski; Vladimir Zhabotinski; Vladimir Jabotinski; Zeev Jabotinski; Ze'ev Jabotinski; Vladimir Zeev Jabotinsky; Zev Jabotinsky; Zeev Jabotinsky; Włodzimierz Żabotyński; Vladimir Ze'ev Zhabotinsky; Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky; Lone Wolf (Jabotinsky biography); Wlodzimierz Zabotynski; Lone Wolf (Jabotinsky Biography); זאב ז'בוטינסקי; Зеэв Жаботинский; Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky; Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky; Volodymyr Zhabotinsky; Jabotinsky Institute
  • Testimonial to Jabotinsky from the 38th Battalion Royal Fusiliers
  • 20px
  • Editorial staff of Razsvet in Saint Petersburg, 1912. Sitting (R–L): 1) Max (Mordecai) Soloveichik (Solieli), 2) Avraham Ben David Idelson, 3) [[Zeev Jabotinsky]]; Standing: 1) Arnold Zeidman, 2) Alexander Goldstein, 3) Shlomo Gefstein
  • Grave of Jabotinsky, [[Mount Herzl]], [[Jerusalem]]
  • Ze'ev's Stronghold]]", and is named after Ze'ev Jabotinsky. It used to be the center of the [[Herut]] Party, and is now the central institute of the [[Likud]] Party.
  • Ze'ev Jabotinsky (bottom right) meeting with [[Betar]] leaders in [[Warsaw]]. Bottom left [[Menachem Begin]] (probably 1939).
  • London Regiment]] between 1916 and 1917
  • Jabotinsky with his wife and son
  • Obituary of Jabotinsky, 4 August 1940
  • Jabotinsky's grandson Ze'ev with his daughter Tal beside Jabotinsky's uniforms and military decorations at the Jabotinsky Institute and Museum
  • Victory Medal]] awarded to Jabotinsky

Zeev Jabotinsky         
n. Zeev Jabotinsky (jefe sionista , establecedor del partido revisionista y del Beitar-pacto de Yosef Trumpeldor)
Benny Begin         
Benyamin Zeev Begin; Binyamin Ze'ev Begin; Ze'ev Benyamin Begin; Ze'ev Binyamin Begin; Ze`ev Binyamin Begin; Benjamin Begin
n. Benny Begin (nacido en 1942), político israelí e hijo de Menajem Begin
Benjamin Zeev Herzl         
  • Title page of ''[[Altneuland]]'' (1902)
  • Title page of ''[[Der Judenstaat]]'' (1896)
  • [[David Ben-Gurion]] declaring the establishment of the State of Israel, in Tel Aviv, May 14, 1948, beneath a large portrait of Theodor Herzl
  • Theodor Herzl in [[Basel]], 1897
  •  Herzl and his children on a trip in 1900
  • A plaque marking the birthplace of Theodor Herzl, [[Dohány Street Synagogue]], [[Budapest]].
  •  Herzl and his children in 1900
  • Herzl as a child with his mother Janet and sister Pauline
  • Herzl and his family, c. 1866–1873
  • Herzl on board a vessel reaching the shores of Palestine, 1898
  • Stephen Norman garden marker at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem
  • Julie Naschauer
  • Herzl (seated in the middle) with members of the Zionist Organization in [[Vienna]], 1896
  • Theodor Herzl at the [[Second Zionist Congress]] in [[Basel]], 1898
  • Portrait of Herzl
  • Theodor Herzl (center) with a Zionist delegation in Jerusalem, 1898. From right to left: [[Joseph Seidener]], [[Moses T. Schnirer]], Theodor Herzl, [[David Wolffsohn]], [[Max Bodenheimer]]
  • Herzl's last photograph (1904)
Theodore Herzl; Theodor Herzel; Benjamin Theodore Herzl; Benjamin Theodore Zeev Herzl; Tivadar Herzl; Herzl, Theodor; Theodor Hertzl; Hertzl; Herzel; Hertzel; Benjamin Zeev Herzl; Teodor Herzl; Teodor Herzel; Binyamin Ze'ev Herzl; Theodore Herzl Foundation; Herzl Tivadar; Herzl family; Family herzl; Theodor Herzl Foundation; Theodore Herzel
Benjamín Zeev Herzl


Ze'ev Jabotinsky

Ze'ev Jabotinsky (Hebrew: זְאֵב זַ׳בּוֹטִינְסְקִי, romanized: Ze'ev Zhabotinski; born Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky; 17 October 1880  – 3 August 1940) was a Russian Jewish Revisionist Zionist leader, author, poet, orator, soldier, and founder of the Jewish Self-Defense Organization in Odessa. With Joseph Trumpeldor, he co-founded the Jewish Legion of the British army in World War I. Later he established several Jewish organizations in Palestine, including Betar, Hatzohar, and the Irgun.

His influence on Israeli politics is profound through his closest protégé Menachem Begin's government, consolidating the domination of Israeli politics by the right-wing Likud party; and through the administrations of Likud's leader Benjamin Netanyahu, the son of his former personal secretary and historian, Benzion Netanyahu.

Examples of use of Zeev Jabotinsky
1. Beside books by Vladimir (Zeev) Jabotinsky, the site recommends a selection of Rabbi Kahane‘s books, Feiglin‘s writings and conspiracy theories about Rabin‘s murder.